How does 3D printing significantly reduces waste?


Additive Manufacturing, popularly known as 3D printing, plays a crucial role in optimizing industrial processes, not only due to its ability to produce complex and independent parts but also because it significantly reduces the waste of raw materials compared to traditional methods like subtractive manufacturing.

Subtractive methods such as machining involve removing raw materials to obtain the desired final shape. However, this approach results in a substantial waste of raw materials, leading to additional costs and environmental impacts.

On the other hand, 3D printing adopts a sustainable philosophy, building parts layer by layer from digital data. This method allows for precise and controlled use of raw materials, eliminating the need for specific molds or tools, which ultimately minimizes waste.

Furthermore, many 3D printing systems are designed to recycle or reuse unused material. In addition to basic plastics and photosensitive resins, 3D printing also includes materials such as ceramics, cement, glass, metals, metallic alloys, and new thermoplastic composites. This wide range of options makes it possible to produce complex parts in different sectors, from medicine to construction and aerospace.

The reduction of waste leads to lower raw material costs, development, and storage, enabling better adaptation and customization of additive manufacturing parts to meet specific needs of each customer.

Transitioning to additive processes not only enhances the efficiency and flexibility of production processes but also embraces sustainability, aligning with a circular economy where resources and raw materials are used more consciously and responsibly.

“3D printing not only represents the way parts are manufactured, but also the relationship between production, customization and sustainability.”

Mário Reis – Mechanical Engineer at RMN Additive

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