2-151 2-, 3- and 4-Point Cam Adapter



  • 3-Point cam adapter for cams of product system 1-102
  • With and without 90° stop
  • The raised rod stub is necessary for swinghandles, enabling the lower rod passing over the lower cap
  • 4-Point cam adapter: with additional linkage
  • For those applications, where beyond the standard control of 2 locking-rods, an additional rod can be used. E.g controlling a switch or defeater-mechanism


  • 3-point cam adapter and 4-point cam adapter: zinc die, zinc plated


Incl. 2 c-clips

Note: H-dimension of cam (C) increases by 4mm / 0.157. E.g. cam 200-0418 results in an H-dimension of 22mm / 0.866. Please pay attention to the screw length: screw should enter at least 6mm / 0.236.

1. With stop
2. Wthout stop

2-, 3- and 4-Point Cam Adapter.