Main points to take into consideration to ensure food security

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The Covid-19 pandemic brought some requirements regarding the hygienization and cleaning of spaces. From nothing, everything started to be much cleaner, people started to take extra care with their personal hygiene and companies started to look for new solutions to ensure the safety of their spaces, customers, and employees.  

The food industry sector has always been very sensitive in this respect since the whole production process through which food passes has a high risk of contamination. From the raw materials used to the food processing there is a great need to implement rules and standards that aim to ensure consumer safety.

Main points to take into consideration to ensure food safety:  

    The food industry sector has always been very sensitive in this respect since the whole production process through which food passes has a high risk of contamination. From the raw materials used to the food processing there is a great need to implement rules and standards that aim to ensure consumer safety. Know the main points to take into consideration to ensure food safety: 

    • Personal hygienization  

    Imperatively, those who handle food have to be very careful with their personal hygiene so that it does not contaminate the process in any way (constantly washing your hands is the mandatory requirement).  

    • Hygienization of spaces  

    This is probably the most important aspect to consider so that food is not contaminated. Cleaning equipment, surfaces and tools is the key point for the process to be effective since they are the main points of direct contact with food.  

    • Food Separation 

    Separating uncooked food from cooked food is important since uncooked food contains dangerous and contagious microorganisms.  

    • Safe temperatures 

    Keeping food at the ambient temperature causes microorganisms to multiply and consequently the foods become spoiled. It is therefore important to preserve them at low temperatures or very high temperatures if they are already cooked. 

    • Safe materials  

    Finally, it is important to emphasize the importance of the use of materials that do not harm the health of the consumer, such as: perishable food, fresh food, clean water, etc. 

    In order to present improved solutions that ensure hygiene and safety for all parts of the processes, Elesa + Ganter has created a line of CLEAN solutions  with products made of Ral 9002 technopolymer (white color) that include products such as handles, grips, buttons, etc.  

    This is a line totally focused on what is one of the main points to ensure food safety: the hygienization of spaces. The characteristics of these solutions were thought in every detail from color to shape. Get a better understanding:  

    Color: The white color facilitates the identification of the dirt, which makes it much easier to identify contagion points and sanitize them. From a psychological point of view, this color offers a double cleaning sensation. Some products are also available in other colors.  

    Shape: As far as this aspect is concerned, all the angles and cavities of these products have been designed to make cleaning easier and there is no entry of microbes into these products.  

    In addition to these solutions being a clear added value to the food sector, they are also great medical and pharmaceutical solutions where hygiene and safety care play a very important role. 

    For more information, please contact Reiman’s specialized team.  


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