FHT-C Tubes pre-assembled and wound along a reel



Acetal-based technopolymer (POM), blue.

Standard executions

  • FHT: modular tubes, pre-assembled in segments.
  • FHT-C: modular tubes, pre-assembled and wound along a reel.
The FHT-C is in acetal-based technopolymer (POM), blue. The standard executions FHT modular tubes, pre-assembled in segments and FHT-C modular tubes, pre-assembled and along a reel.The modular structure, formed by means of the snap mounting of the individual segments (Fig.1), allows the lubricating jet to be channelled in the desired direction.The length of the tube can be adapted to the specific application by adding or removing the appropriate number of segments via the snap fitting.To form a complete coolant hoses, coupling with a nozzle FHN, and a fitting is required FHJ.Assembled without using seals, the system should therefore not be considered watertight.Max input pressure: 4 bar (FHT.1/4), 2 bar (FHT.1/2).Material resistant to detergents, lubricants and oils, avoid contact with strong acids and bases.