Automation & Robotics

Women in Engineering: Challenges and Opportunities

Women in Engineering: Challenges and Opportunities
The journey of women in engineering is marked by challenges and achievements. Despite the difficulties, women engineers have demonstrated an extraordinary capacity for innovation and leadership. ...
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REIMAN Precision Components: Optimise your Machining Equipment

REIMAN Precision Components: Optimise your Machining Equipment
The world of machining is undergoing a transformation, driven by automation and rapid adoption of advanced technologies. REIMAN is at the forefront of this evolution, providing essential components that ensure efficiency, precision and control in machining processes. ...
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Decarbonization in Industry

Decarbonization in Industry
The industrial sector is one of the largest emitters of greenhouse gases, responsible for 25% of global emissions, according to 2021 data from the International Energy Agency (IEA). Most traditional industrial processes generally rely on fossil fuels and raw materials, leading to a significant increase in carbon dioxide emissions. Consequently, this contributes to global warming and climate change. There is a multifaceted approach to industrial decarbonization, and REIMAN's solutions can potentially contribute to various aspects ...
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Engineering for Sustainable Development

Engineering for Sustainable Development
Engineering is a vital discipline that contributes to human well-being, drives innovation, solves problems, stimulates the economy and promotes sustainability. Through its contributions, engineering has a transformative and significant impact on the world. The world engineering day for sustainable development, officially proclaimed by UNESCO in 2019, is celebrated on March 4th. The theme for 2024 is: Engineering Solutions for a Sustainable World. In this context, we highlight some sustainable solutions developed by REIMAN for various industrial applications. ...
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Artificial Intelligence: Future of Industry?

Artificial Intelligence: Future of Industry?
We are currently living through the 4th Industrial Revolution, known as Industry 4.0, a concept that represents the integration of different technologies and disruptive methods, with the aim of promoting the digitalisation of activities and productive processes, improving and increasing their efficiency and productivity. One of the technologies within this revolution is Artificial Intelligence, which encompasses others such as machine learning, artificial neural networks, computer vision, intelligent robotics, autonomous vehicles, among others. ...
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Solution for Pallet Stackers/Dispensers

Solution for Pallet Stackers/Dispensers
The harmonized standard EN 415-4 specifies safety requirements for packaging machines, including pallet stackers/dispensers. Its latest version goes further and clearly defines the safety interaction process between this specific type of equipment and peripherals, such as pallet stackers. Tal facto, obrigará a que alguns fabricantes e integradores de equipamentos vão para zonas de embalamento, ficando suscetíveis a alterações de melhorias ao nível da segurança dos seus produtos. A new approach to machine safety involves the use of Inxpect’s radar technology, certified for industrial use. It is capable of detecting human presence volumetrically and without fail, thus preventing incidents or even accidents in industrial equipment. Therefore, the use of this new technology in industrial equipment represents a significant technological advancement and an incredible increase in the guarantee of people’s safety. ...
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UL Certification

UL Certification
UL Solutions is an internationally renowned certification body. UL certifies products, personnel, facilities, processes and systems based on applied standards and regulations. More and more, our customers reinforce this type of Certification, thus guaranteeing a product with high performance standards. The most requested is Product Certification. Reiman, through its partners and suppliers, integrates UL standards into various products it offers, from brands such as Dirak, Electro Adda, Elesa+Ganter, Hiwin, Invertek Drives, Inxpect, Mellor or Oli. ...
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Restart Prevention for Press Machinery

Restart Prevention for Press Machinery
Industrial presses are a traditional equipment that requires a very high level of security due to the potential severity of possible damage. However, because of technological limitations, to this day, the combinations of devices that are normally incorporated cannot guarantee 100% safety for the operator exposed to the risks. A new approach to machine safety is the use of Inxpect’s safety radar technology, certified for industrial use, performing volumetric control and motion detection combined with process noise immunity, in an open field. ...
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What is Industrial Automation?

What is Industrial Automation?
Industrial automation is present in all the automatic mechanisms that perform a task replacing one or a team of operators. Mainly interesting in repetitive tasks, demanding at human level, or even dangerous to health. ...
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3 types of popular EOATs in the food industry

 3 types of popular EOATs in the food industry
In the last few years, the world has suffered a revolution at the industrial level. All production processes have started to be automated and, consequently, production capacity has improved. It is now much easier to meet the needs of consumers who are becoming more and more demanding. ...
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